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My decision to become a certified Health and Wellness Coach

My whole life has put me on a trajectory towards wellness. Even before wellness was in the public lexicon, I was meditating in my room as a teenager, reading “self-help” books, delving into eastern philosophy and gravitating towards the practice of yoga. After graduating from college, I received Masters Degrees in both Stress Management and Health Education. Everything about living well was interesting to me. This has been a theme my whole life.

I trained as a yoga teacher in 1999, made it my full- time occupation and continue to teach to this day. Yoga has been my calling for over 25 years and I’m still very passionate about this ancient discipline, but I was being called to do more. A 5-year exploration helped me land here, as a Health and Wellness Coach. It brings me home to the pursuit of wellness, complements my background as a teacher and educator and inspires me to support others in their pursuit of wellness. I became a Mind Body Green Health and Wellness Coach (MBG-HWC) to bring the joy of living well to all who seek it. I will be sitting for the National Board of Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) exam in 2024-2025.


What is a Health and Wellness Coach?

Wellness is a big term and it’s used a lot. Although everyone may define wellness differently for themselves, generally wellness implies a life lived in alignment with our values, in harmony with the various areas of our lives and with well- being in our minds and bodies. If we have wellness in our lives, we experience good health and energy, positive relationships, satisfaction in the workplace and enjoy an easefulness of living.

As a MBG-HWC, I am there to help the client find his/her way to these states of flow. I am your advocate, your ally and your co-pilot on this journey. I don’t diagnose or prescribe, but rather I’m there to hold up a mirror to your process and help you find your best way forward. As a MBG-HWC, I specialize in behavior change but, more specifically, I specialize in helping you identify the best behavior modifications that fit your life long term. This process is all about you, your best practices and making choices that support your goals and dreams.


What types of clients do I work with?

Anyone can benefit from working with a Health and Wellness coach. The most important thing is the desire to see change and a willingness to do the work that allows the process to unfold. I love to work with anyone who seeks meaningful change in their life. I enjoy specializing in stress management as this universal health challenge intersects with, both, my Masters Degree and my career as a yoga teacher. I am also passionate about working with women during Menopause and beyond who are dealing with the multiple changes that Menopause brings. I want to offer support for the complex issues of Menopause including, but not limited to, physical, emotional, professional, relational and spiritual.  Almost all areas of a woman's life can be affected by this new next chapter and I love to be there as a partner on this road.


Is coaching right for me?

If you’re wondering if coaching is right for you, let’s talk. We can discuss your goals, who you are and what makes you tick, as well as what I bring to the table. This is an endeavor that benefits from good connection and rapport. Let’s explore that together. This discussion is part of my process as a coach, but is free to all who are curious.  Book a free call on the Booking Page.


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